U.S. Customs and Border Protection Now Includes Japanese Nationals in the Global Entry Program Starting November 26

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Now Includes Japanese Nationals in the Global Entry Program Starting November 26

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has included Japanese nationals in the Global Entry program starting from November 26.

Applicants need to apply through the Trusted Traveler Program (TTP) website of CBP and send the original copy of the family registry issued within the past three months via registered mail to the Tokyo Immigration Bureau. After an interview at a registration center, they can be approved.

The application fee is 120 USD and the validity period is five years. A Global Entry card, required only for land border crossings, will not be issued. Approved individuals will also be eligible for the TSA PreCheck program by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Once approved, individuals will no longer need to undergo the usual immigration inspection upon arrival in the U.S. Instead, they can scan either their passport, U.S. permanent residence card, or U.S. visa at a Global Entry terminal, carry out fingerprint verification, and make a customs declaration. A receipt will be issued at the kiosk upon completion of the process, guiding them to the baggage claim area or exit.

Previously, application required obtaining a promotion code via email, and there was a limit on the number of applicants.

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