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Sydney International Airport to Increase Transparency in Slot Allocation
The Australian Government has announced reforms to the demand management scheme for landing and take-off slots at Sydney International Airport.
While maintaining protection for the community, the reform aims to improve the use of critical infrastructure. Following extensive consultations, it is considered to enhance efficiency, competition, and consumer benefits. Current restrictions on operating hours will remain in place.
The transparency of slot allocation will be significantly improved. Airlines will be asked to regularly provide information on the use of slots, including reasons for cancellations or significant delays. Audits on the usage of slots will be conducted, enhancing the detection and regulation of anti-competitive practices. Information will be regularly published, and penalties will be established. Measures will also be taken to create a fairer competitive environment by regulating the misuse of slots and facilitating entry for new airlines.
To strengthen connectivity with regional communities, slots reserved primarily for New South Wales regional routes will also be available for application at any new peak times.
Additionally, a “recovery period” allowing for up to 85 flights per hour for a maximum of two hours on the day following a major disruption, such as severe weather, will be introduced. This maintains the scheduled limit of 80 flights per hour without increasing the total number of flights, ensuring that noise impact does not increase while allowing more travelers to reach their destinations.
The Australian Government plans to release an aviation white paper later this year, incorporating various contents including consumer protection.
Qantas Airways has released a statement welcoming the reforms, stating that it “will benefit travelers and create a positive impact on airports across the nation affected by inefficiencies in Sydney.”
The translation may not be accurate.