ANA Hosts ‘ANA Quality Award’, Including International Flights for the First Time in Four Years

ANA Hosts ‘ANA Quality Award’, Including International Flights for the First Time in Four Years

ANA (All Nippon Airways) held the “18th ANA Quality Award” at Congress Square Haneda on July 1.

The “ANA Quality Award” is an event aimed at further improving airport service and quality by recognizing airports that contribute to achieving high “customer satisfaction”, filled with excitement for passengers, based on the quality performance at each airport served by ANA. It started in the fiscal year 2006 and, after a hiatus due to the pandemic, resumed last year with only domestic flight categories evaluated due to the inadequate recovery of the international flights in fiscal years 2021 and 2022.

This 18th award ceremony marked the first time in four years that both domestic and international flights were included, responding to the rapid recovery in demand for international flights. A total of 49 domestic airports and 46 international airports were evaluated, and airport staff from both Japan and abroad gathered at the venue. They competed in three evaluation categories: “Safety”, “Punctuality”, and “Comfort & Convenience”, and the overall highest-performing airports were awarded the “Grand Prize”.

Domestic flights aimed to enhance quality among similar operational airports, while international flights aimed to increase quality through competition among airports with similar characteristics and geographical proximity, dividing each into five groups. The top three airports in each group were recognized in each category, while for international flights, only the top-ranked airport in Japan was awarded.

The last Grand Prize winners were Shonai Airport (17th event) for domestic flights and Dalian Airport (14th event) for international flights. Before the announcement of this award, both airports returned their trophies.

The award ceremony first announced the winning airports in each category for both domestic and international flights. Many airports achieved first place in the safety category, indicating a widespread dedication to safety across the groups.

Videos from various airports were also streamed at the venue, including live reports, allowing attendees to see the joyous reactions of the award-winning airport staff.

Based on the results of these three categories, the overall highest-performing airports in both the domestic and international categories were announced. The winners were Niigata Airport/Niigata Aviation Service for domestic flights and the Beijing Airport Team for international flights. Mr. Kenichi Hirose from Niigata Airport/Niigata Aviation Service commented on the award, “It’s the first time since the inaugural event that Niigata Airport has been on stage for the overall category. While people and the environment have changed drastically over 20 years, it’s gratifying to think this award serves as a big confidence boost to our current staff.”

Mr. WANG ZHUO from the Beijing Airport Team expressed his joy, “I believe this result comes from the various actions we have taken amidst the harsh conditions following the pandemic. We aim to continue working closely with airports within China and strive for the Grand Prize next year as well.”

Furthermore, the “2023 Airport Quality Contribution Award” was announced at the venue. In addition to the awards, presentations were made on stage about the initiatives for which they were recognized.

Osaka Airport received the “Security & Safety Contribution Award” for an app that simulates checking for residue in cargo, Chitose Airport received the “Punctuality Contribution Award” for creating a video aimed at enhancing motivation and on-time awareness, and Memanbetsu Airport was awarded the “Comfort & Convenience Contribution Award” for setting up handmade models on the baggage carousel to keep users entertained.

In addition to the awards for ANA’s airports, Pegasus Aviation Service from Anchorage Airport was invited as a guest. Although not a regularly served airport by ANA, Anchorage has accommodated ANA flights diverted there, including four diversions of North American flights since December 2021. The airport has responded promptly, even arranging accommodations when passengers had to deplane during late-night arrivals. For a diversion in June to Los Angeles, fuel trucks were prepared simultaneously with the arrival, enabling a quick departure in about an hour. This outstanding effort was recognized with a special award.

During the event, Aki… [This content is too long to be displayed in its entirety.]

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