Yokohama City Transportation Bureau to Conduct Cashless Operation Trials on Two Bus Routes
Kanto Railway will increase the number of Tokyo Disney Resort Line high-speed buses it operates on February 28th and 29th.
The additional services are timed to coincide with the closure of schools in Ibaraki Prefecture for high school entrance examinations. The buses, which usually run one round trip per day from Mito Station via Akatsuka Station, Ishioka Bus Center, Tsukuba Center, and on to Tokyo DisneySea (TDS) and Tokyo Disneyland (TDL), will operate two round trips on February 28th and 29th, with one round trip arriving at and departing from TDS and one round trip from TDL respectively.
The service that runs from Kashima Jingu Station via Suigo Itako to TDS, TDL, and Tokyo Teleport Station, typically operates two round trips a day. However, for these two days, the morning service toward TDL and the evening service toward Kashima will be operated with two buses. The evening service toward Kashima will include one bus departing from Tokyo Teleport Station via TDS and one bus from TDL.