Tigerair Taiwan to Increase Flights on Tokyo/Narita to Taipei/Taoyuan Route Starting March 31

Tigerair Taiwan to Increase Flights on Tokyo/Narita to Taipei/Taoyuan Route Starting March 31

Tigerair Taiwan will increase its flights on the Tokyo/Narita to Taipei/Taoyuan route starting March 31.

Currently operating two round-trip flights daily, the airline will add another round trip, making it three daily round trips. The additional flights will be operated as IT701/700 using Airbus A320 aircraft.

Tigerair Taiwan operates two routes from Tokyo/Narita, including nine round trips per week on the Tokyo/Narita to Kaohsiung route.

IT201 Tokyo/Narita (13:30) to Taipei/Taoyuan (16:25) / Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
IT201 Tokyo/Narita (11:50) to Taipei/Taoyuan (14:45) / Tue, Thu, Sun
IT203 Tokyo/Narita (19:30) to Taipei/Taoyuan (22:35) / Daily
IT701 Tokyo/Narita (20:45) to Taipei/Taoyuan (23:25) / Daily
IT200 Taipei/Taoyuan (06:35) to Tokyo/Narita (11:00) / Daily
IT202 Taipei/Taoyuan (14:15) to Tokyo/Narita (18:35) / Daily
IT700 Taipei/Taoyuan (15:30) to Tokyo/Narita (19:55) / Daily

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