RAC and JTA Expand Routes Eligible for Remote Island Discount

RAC and JTA Expand Routes Eligible for Remote Island Discount

Ryukyu Air Commuter (RAC) and Japan Transocean Air (JTA) will expand the routes eligible for the “Remote Island Discount” starting from April 1.

The routes covered are Okinoerabu to Yoron & Okinawa/Naha, Tokunoshima to Okinawa/Naha (via Okinoerabu), Amami Oshima to Okinawa/Naha (via Yoron), and Okinawa/Naha to Amami. Only holders of the “Kagoshima Remote Islands Airfare Discount Card” can use these discounts.

This expansion is carried out at the request of the Kagoshima Prefecture Amami Archipelago Air and Sea Route Fare Reduction Council and is implemented through the use of the Amami Archipelago Promotion Grant. It will start assuming the enactment of the revised Amami Archipelago Promotion and Development Special Measures Law and the establishment of the fiscal 2024 budgets of the national and local governments.

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