Tigerair Offers One-way Flights from Japan to Taipei for Just 500 Yen Starting March 26

Tigerair Offers One-way Flights from Japan to Taipei for Just 500 Yen Starting March 26

Tigerair Taiwan is holding its “Happy Easter SALE” targeted at Japanese routes from 11:00 AM on March 26th to the 28th.

The first phase will start at 11:00 AM on March 26th and will be exclusively for tigerclub members “tigerprime”. The second phase will be from March 27th and will be open to non-members as well.

The one-way fare will be 500 yen for the first phase, and 4,700 yen or 7,100 yen for the second phase. Round-trip purchase is required, and additional taxes will apply. The boarding period lasts until October 26th. There is no fare set for children, and infants under 2 years old who do not occupy a seat will be charged 2,200 yen one-way.

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