JAL to Test Fuel-Efficiency with ‘Sharkskin’ Coating on 787-9 Aircraft for International Flights
Peach Aviation Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Services at Narita Airport with Commemorative Merchandise
Peach Aviation, in collaboration with Green Port Agency, is selling commemorative merchandise to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Tokyo/Narita to Osaka/Kansai route.
Available for purchase are a sticker set (800 yen) with a design featuring the Narita Airport original goods magnet bottle opener in Peach colors, a keyholder (1,000 yen) in the same design, and a smartphone stand (3,200 yen) made from upcycled wood cut down inside the airport. All prices include tax.
The items are being sold at the NARITA AIRPORT ONLINE SHOP, and sales will end as soon as the stock runs out. Shipping fees are additional.
The translation may not be accurate.