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Vinci Airports Acquires Majority Stake in Edinburgh Airport
Vinci Airports has signed an agreement to acquire a majority stake in Edinburgh Airport Ltd, the company that owns Edinburgh Airport.
The acquisition rate is 50.01%, with the acquisition amounting to £1.27 billion. Following the approval of authorities, the acquisition is expected to be completed by summer. The remaining shares are owned by Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), an American investment fund that has held shares since 2012.
Edinburgh Airport is the largest airport in Scotland and the sixth largest in the UK. It operates routes to over 150 cities in 38 countries. In 2023, its revenue was £272 million, with an EBITDA margin of 65%. It plans to expand its aviation and non-aviation sectors, focusing on retail and the opening of new routes, with additional investments.
Vinci Airports operates 70 airports in 13 countries, including Japan. In the UK, it manages six airports, including Belfast and London/Gatwick, making it the second-largest country in its operating portfolio.
The translation may not be accurate.