JAL Launches ‘JAL Furusato Musubi’, a Platform Connecting Regions and Cities

JAL Launches ‘JAL Furusato Musubi’, a Platform Connecting Regions and Cities

Japan Airlines (JAL) has launched a matchmaking platform called ‘JAL Furusato Musubi’ on May 30th, aiming to connect regions and cities.

This platform facilitates the connection between municipalities and businesses in regions looking for talent, and urban residents who want to contribute to solving regional issues while living in the city, by offering various programs planned and sought after by both parties.

At ‘JAL Furusato Musubi’, users can find programs that match their needs, such as area, content, duration, and budget, through search functions. Additionally, through special feature articles ‘JAL Furusato Musubi MAGAZINE’ and columns such as relocation experiences, individuals can discover areas that suit them. Program owners can utilize data analysis through reports of page views and more, available on their dashboards. A fee is charged for listing.

JAL has been implementing initiatives such as ‘JAL Agriculture Study Abroad’ and ‘JAL Furusato Working Holiday’, utilizing the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ innovation promotion project for rural areas.

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