JAL Schedules Extra Flights from Tokyo/Haneda to Nagoya/Central Japan & Osaka/Itami on August 31

JAL Schedules Extra Flights from Tokyo/Haneda to Nagoya/Central Japan & Osaka/Itami on August 31

Japan Airlines (JAL) has set extra flights for August 31st on the Tokyo/Haneda to Nagoya/Central Japan and Osaka/Itami routes.

There will be 5 flights on the Tokyo/Haneda to Osaka/Itami route and 3 flights on the Tokyo/Haneda to Nagoya/Central Japan route, totaling 8 flights. All flights will utilize the Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

The Tokaido Shinkansen will also suspend its operation for the entire day on August 31st between Mishima and Nagoya stations due to heavy rain.

JL4683 Tokyo/Haneda (15:35) to Nagoya/Central Japan (16:35)
JL4684 Nagoya/Central Japan (17:15) to Tokyo/Haneda (18:20)
JL4682 Nagoya/Central Japan (21:15) to Tokyo/Haneda (22:30)

JL4561 Tokyo/Haneda (06:20) to Osaka/Itami (07:25)
JL4563 Tokyo/Haneda (11:30) to Osaka/Itami (12:35)
JL4562 Osaka/Itami (08:00) to Tokyo/Haneda (09:15)
JL4564 Osaka/Itami (13:15) to Tokyo/Haneda (14:30)
JL4566 Osaka/Itami (17:05) to Tokyo/Haneda (18:25)

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