VietJet Air to Operate Charter Flights to Shizuoka, Round Trips to Nha Trang and Hanoi

VietJet Air to Operate Charter Flights to Shizuoka, Round Trips to Nha Trang and Hanoi

VietJet Air will operate round-trip charter flights on the Shizuoka to Nha Trang and Hanoi routes.

The flights will operate on November 2nd and 6th, using Airbus A320 aircraft. From Japan, the flights will go to Hanoi, and from Vietnam, they will originate from Nha Trang for tour participants.

The operators include H.I.S. (HIS) and AFC Tours from Japan, and Southern Breeze from Vietnam. The flight from Japan will have 164 seats, and the flight from Vietnam will have 171 seats.

VJ Nha Trang (02:35) to Shizuoka (09:30) / November 2nd
VJ Shizuoka (11:00) to Hanoi (14:55) / November 2nd
VJ Hanoi (08:45) to Shizuoka (15:30) / November 6th
VJ Shizuoka (17:00) to Nha Trang (21:00) / November 6th

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