JAL Launches Lottery Sale for the Last Flight Plan of Boeing 777 Aircraft

JAL Launches Lottery Sale for the Last Flight Plan of Boeing 777 Aircraft

Japan Airlines (JAL) began a lottery sale for the last flight plan of the Boeing 777 aircraft at noon on November 26.

The flight plan from the last flight was used as a commemorative item, pressed between the cabin windows of the Boeing 777 aircraft, and was planned by two flight operations managers. They prepared items for seven retired aircraft (registration numbers: JA701J, JA702J, JA703J, JA709J, JA710J, JA752J, JA8944). A booklet created by the flight operations managers is also included.

JAL stated, “Considering how the Boeing 777 has long supported JAL’s operations, we wanted to share its final magnificent moment with fans. With the cooperation of the actual flight crew, we planned and produced this unique and special product. The flight plan delivered to you is the only one in the world, used by the flight crew during the last flight. We hope you enjoy it not only by interpreting its content but also by envisioning the actual flight through the notes of the flight crew.”

The price is 300,000 yen (including tax). It is available through a lottery sale, with up to seven wishes registration. The application period is until December 6.

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