JAL Schedules Extra Flights from Tokyo/Haneda to Hong Kong for Lunar New Year

JAL Schedules Extra Flights from Tokyo/Haneda to Hong Kong for Lunar New Year

Japan Airlines (JAL) has scheduled extra flights on the Tokyo/Haneda to Hong Kong route to coincide with the Chinese Lunar New Year.

The flights will operate from January 23rd to 26th and from February 1st to 3rd. Flight JL27 departs Tokyo/Haneda at 1:00 AM, arriving in Hong Kong at 5:00 AM. Flight JL28 departs Hong Kong at 12:00 AM, arriving at Tokyo/Haneda at 4:50 AM.

The aircraft used will include Boeing 767-300ERs.

■ Schedule
JL27 Tokyo/Haneda (01:00) ~ Hong Kong (05:00) / January 23rd~26th, February 1st~3rd
JL28 Hong Kong (00:00) ~ Tokyo/Haneda (04:50) / January 23rd~26th, February 1st~3rd

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