Recruit Starts Offering ‘Air Cash’ Funding Service for Accommodations on

Recruit Starts Offering ‘Air Cash’ Funding Service for Accommodations on

Recruit has launched a funding service, ‘Air Cash’, for accommodations using ‘Jalan Online Card Payment’ on its travel reservation service ‘’.

The funds can be deposited by the next day at the earliest, and the application can be made with just two taps, choosing the usage amount and the withdrawal rate from the target sales amount. This is an addition to the stores using ‘Air Pay’, making it easier to deal with sudden funding needs. The settlement is automatically deducted from sales at a fixed rate. In months with lower sales amounts, the deduction amount will be less, making it less likely to put pressure on cash flow. It is strictly a sale of receivables, not a loan.

By forecasting future sales based on payment data, accommodations can raise funds without submitting any documents. The maximum available amount is 5 million yen, with the usage of funds being free. The fee rate starts from 0.5%. It is by invitation only.

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