Hokkaido Shinkansen Introduces ‘Tokuda Ne Special 21’, Offering 50% Off All Trains Between Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto and Shin-Aomori Stations

Hokkaido Shinkansen Introduces ‘Tokuda Ne Special 21’, Offering 50% Off All Trains Between Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto and Shin-Aomori Stations

JR Hokkaido announced the introduction of the ‘Shinkansen e-Ticket (Tokuda Ne Special 21)’, offering a 50% discount on the Hokkaido Shinkansen.

The eligible section is between Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto and Shin-Aomori stations, and applies to the designated seating in ordinary cars on the ‘Hayabusa’ and ‘Hayate’ trains. Examples of prices for the designated area starting from Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto station are: 3,750 yen for Shin-Aomori Station, 2,800 yen for Okutsugaru-Imabetsu Station, and 1,610 yen for Kikonai Station.

The travel period is from February 12 to March 14, with tickets on sale from 10am one month before the travel date until 11:50pm 21 days prior.

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