JAL Holds Time Sale on International Flights, Including Round Trips to Hawaii for 79,000 Yen
JAL Holds Time Sale on International Flights, Including Round Trips to Hawaii for 79,000 Yen
Japan Airlines (JAL) is holding a time sale on international flight tickets from January 10th to 17th.
The minimum round-trip fares are as follows, listed from left to right for Economy class, Premium Economy class, Business class, and First class. All prices include fuel surcharges but exclude various taxes. The travel period is from January 10th to October 31st and varies by route.
The booking classes are: Economy class as ‘O・Q・Z’, Premium Economy class as ‘E’, Business class as ‘X’, and First class as ‘A’.
From domestic locations to:
Shanghai (33,000 yen/-/91,000 yen), Beijing (34,000 yen/-/114,000 yen), Dalian (44,000 yen), Kota Kinabalu (46,000 yen/-/146,000 yen), Guangzhou (48,000 yen/-/134,000 yen), Guam (49,000 yen/-/91,000 yen), Singapore (54,000 yen/-/259,000 yen/626,000 yen), Manila (54,000 yen/-/161,000 yen), Jakarta (67,000 yen/179,000 yen/270,000 yen), Bangkok (73,000 yen/157,000 yen/242,000 yen/577,000 yen), Da Nang (74,000 yen), Honolulu (79,000 yen/146,000 yen), Sydney/Melbourne (85,000 yen), Delhi (92,000 yen/213,000 yen), Kuala Lumpur (93,000 yen/160,000 yen), Bengaluru (94,000 yen/-/345,000 yen), Doha (120,000 yen), Seattle/Vancouver (130,000 yen/240,000 yen/510,000 yen), London/Paris/Frankfurt/Helsinki (130,000 yen/320,000 yen/510,000 yen), Los Angeles/New York (150,000 yen/240,000 yen/510,000 yen), San Francisco (150,000 yen/-/510,000 yen), San Diego/Las Vegas (160,000 yen/240,000 yen/510,000 yen), Dallas/Boston/Orlando/Miami/Raleigh-Durham/Pittsburgh/Indianapolis/Charlotte/Columbus (180,000 yen/260,000 yen/610,000 yen), Boston (180,000 yen/340,000 yen), Chicago (-/240,000 yen)
The translation may not be accurate.