Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba Offers ‘Amaou Afternoon Tea Set’

Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba Offers ‘Amaou Afternoon Tea Set’

Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba is offering the ‘Amaou Afternoon Tea Set’.

This afternoon tea, perfect for celebrating the New Year, features the popular ‘Amaou’ strawberries as its main ingredient, with a festive red color theme. The top tier offers fresh fruits such as ‘Amaou Tart’, the middle tier features arranged sweets like ‘Amaou and Pistachio Mousse’, and the bottom tier presents savories that fully utilize the sweet and sour taste of Amaou strawberries.

Additionally, a special movie about the ‘Amaou Afternoon Tea Set’ is available on their official YouTube channel.

The offer is available from January 1 to February 28. It takes place at ‘The Lobby Cafe’, from 1 pm to 5 pm with a 2-hour limit. The price is 7,300 yen, tax and service included.

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