JAL and HoteLux Conduct Status Match with Up to ¥25,000 Coupon Annually
Japan Airlines (JAL) will conduct a double mileage campaign from March 1 to June 30.
In addition to the usual flight miles, the same number of miles will be credited as bonus miles. The eligible routes are Okinawa/Naha to Minamidaito, Kitadaito, and Hateruma, and Ishigaki to Hateruma operated by Ryukyu Air Commuter (RAC). Eligible fares include Saver, Round-trip Saver, Special Saver, Skymate, JAL Card Skymate, Same-day Senior Discount, and Individual Inclusive Tour Fares.
Participation registration must be completed before boarding for each Minamidaito, Kitadaito, and Hateruma departure and arrival. The registration period is from 3:00 p.m. on February 28 to June 30. Bonus miles will be credited at the same timing as usual flight miles.