HIS Announces Resignation of Director Hideo Sawada
H.I.S. will start selling the ‘Hokuriku Support Discount’ from March 18th at 3PM.
The ‘Hokuriku Support Discount’ is a travel support campaign for the prefectures of Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, and Niigata which were affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. This support will be applied to hotel stays from March 16th to April 26th (check-out the following day).
The discount rate is 50% of the travel cost. The maximum discount is 20,000 yen for solo stays and travel with transportation included, 30,000 yen for travel with accommodations for two nights or more with transportation included, and 35,000 yen for tours staying in two or more prefectures. It targets domestic travelers and visitors to Japan, excluding business travel, lodging, and reservations made before the start of the campaign.