Sale of ‘Kira-Tetsu Clear Files’ by 13 Private Railways in Chiba Prefecture Begins Gradually from April 1

Kira-Tetsu Clear File

Shin-Keisei Electric Railway, Kita-Sō Express Railway, Tōyō Rapid Railway, Keisei Electric Railway, Yamaman, Shiyama Railway, Chiba Urban Monorail, Kominato Railway, Isumi Railway, Chōshi Electric Railway, Tobu Railway, Metropolitan Intercity Railway Company, and Ryūtetsu are sequentially selling the ‘Kira-Tetsu Clear File’ starting from April 1.

As part of an initiative to revitalize Chiba Prefecture, these 13 private railways operating within the prefecture have jointly produced this item. The front side features images of each company’s vehicles and illustrations of tickets, while the back side has a common design with each company’s logo.

The size is A4, and the price is 600 yen (tax included). The start date and sales locations of the sale vary by company, and they will be available at station counters and events, etc.

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