JTB Launches Hospitality Packages for MLB World Tour Tokyo Series
HIS Forms Capital and Business Alliance with SatoYume to Produce Regional Revitalization Projects
H.I.S. (HIS) has formed a capital and business alliance with SatoYume, a company that specializes in producing regional revitalization projects.
SatoYume is known for its focus on regional revitalization and has been involved in planning, launching, and managing projects in over 50 areas nationwide. They have previously produced projects such as NIPPONIA Kosuge Genryu no Sato, a village-based hotel concept, the Healing Forest project for creating recreational areas in collaboration with local communities and companies, and “Kahokurashi”, a town’s unique antenna shop & local trading business initiative.
In addition to dispatching four employees to SatoYume, HIS will collaborate on public proposals and provide advisory services. Moreover, they will undertake the “Destination Create Project”, a new initiative aimed at creating tourist destinations.
The translation may not be accurate.