AIRDO and Solaseed Air Offer ‘Yoguruppe’ for a Limited Time

AIRDO and Solaseed Air Offer ‘Yoguruppe’ for a Limited Time

AIRDO and Solaseed Air, to commemorate the second anniversary of the establishment of their joint holding company Regional Plus Wings, will offer ‘Yoguruppe’ on both their in-flight services, in-flight sales, and online shops.

AIRDO will provide the ‘Dairy Yoguruppe Plain’ from the South Japan Dairy Farm Cooperative, and Solaseed Air will offer the ‘Hokkaido Hidaka Dairy Yoguruppe Plain’ from Hokkaido Hidaka Dairy Farm. These will be available from October 1 to November 30.

Furthermore, during in-flight sales and online shops, they will sell the ‘Greedy Four-type Yoguruppe Set from North and South’, allowing customers to enjoy Yoguruppe from both regions simultaneously. The price is 500 yen.

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