Grant Aid for the Improvement Project of Vientiane International Airport

Grant Aid for the Improvement Project of Vientiane International Airport

The Japanese government will provide grant aid for the improvement project of Vientiane International Airport in Laos.

Currently, concerns have been raised about the decline in convenience due to the lack of passenger processing capacity at Vientiane’s Wattay International Airport terminal building, and damage due to aging can be seen on taxiways and aprons.

Expansion of the passenger terminal building that requires immediate response and pavement repairs of taxiways and aprons will be carried out to improve convenience and safety. The grant limit is 2.836 billion yen.

According to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), support has been provided since 2011 for expansions of parking stands, construction of new taxiways, and maintenance of lighting and security equipment. Hazama Ando Corporation was awarded the contract by the Laotian government and the Civil Aviation Authority, taking on the construction work.

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