JAL NEOBANK Offers Bonus Miles and Status for JAL Home Loan Usage

JAL NEOBANK Offers Bonus Miles and Status for JAL Home Loan Usage

JAL Payment Port and Sumishin SBI Net Bank are launching the “JAL Home Loan Use Campaign” for JAL Mileage Bank members through the exclusive online bank account “JAL NEOBANK.”

According to the loan amount of the “JAL Home Loan,” a campaign mile equivalent to 50% of the regular program miles or a FLY ON status will be awarded. The loan period must be over 10 years, and it is applicable to variable interest rates (full-term discount plan/new borrowing and refinancing). The campaign runs from January 6 to March 31.

For bonus miles, a loan of 50 million yen or more would conventionally earn 100,000 miles in the regular program but will be awarded a total of 150,000 miles, including a 50,000 mile bonus during the campaign period. FLY ON status will be granted according to the loan amount, expiring at the end of March 2026.

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